Hamad Alkaabi

Permanent Representative of the UAE to the IAEA and UAE Special Representative for International Nuclear Cooperation


Ambassador Alkaabi is the permanent representative of the United Arab Emirates  to the IAEA as well as the UAE's Special Representative for International Nuclear Cooperation.

Since 2006, the UAE has been assessing the possibility of developing a peaceful nuclear energy program, making commitments to pursue complete operational transparency and the highest standards of safety, security and nonproliferation. Its process and commitments have been lauded as a global model.

Alkaabi helped lead the initial assessment of nuclear power in the UAE, and has since served as a primary interlocutor on matters relating to nuclear energy and non-proliferation between the UAE government and other governments and international organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

He has been personally involved in all key milestones of the UAE nuclear energy program, including:

  • A nationwide energy assessment of future UAE requirements and potential sources of electricity;
  • Development of the Policy of the United Arab Emirates on the Evaluation and Potential Development of Peaceful Nuclear Energy;
  • National nuclear energy and nuclear liability legislation;
  • Bilateral agreements relating to cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the UAE and other nations, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States;
  • Oversight of the development of an independent nuclear safety regulator and the advancement of UAE nuclear safety regulations, through his role as a member and deputy chairman of the Board of Management of FANR (Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation).

Alkaabi was trained as a nuclear engineer. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nuclear engineering from Purdue University in Indiana (USA). His graduate work focused on nuclear safety.


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