NIS Nuclear Trafficking Collection
NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index: Building a Framework for Assurance, Accountability and Action
The Anti-plague System in the Newly Independent States, 1992 and Onwards
Discussion of post-Cold War developments to the fragmented anti-plague system in the Newly Independent States. (CNS)
International Assistance for Anti-plague Facilities in the Former Soviet Union to Prevent Proliferation of Biological Weapons
The importance of financial and logistical assistance for former Soviet Union anti-plague facilities in combating biological weapons proliferation. (CNS)
Coordinating Submarine Dismantlement Assistance in Russia
Instability in Georgia: A New Proliferation Threat?
Proliferation threats emanating from three unstable Georgian regions: the Pankisi Gorge, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. (CNS)
Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D. testifies before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
Testimony on the state of public health preparedness for terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction.