NTI Nuclear Security Index
Building a framework for assurance, accountability, and action
The dangers are real.
We can create a safer world.
NTI offers solutions.
Regional tensions, the proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials to make them—along with terrorism and new technologies like cyber—mean the risk of a nuclear weapon or device being used is rising. At the same time, governments’ ability to manage increasingly complex global security risks is eroding.
13,100 Nuclear weapons in the world
9 Countries with nuclear weapons
22 Countries with weapons-usable nuclear materials potentially vulnerable to theft.
25+ Countries working in partnership with NTI and the U.S. Department of State to develop new approaches to nuclear disarmament verification.
We collaborate with governments and experts to generate actionable solutions, galvanize cooperation and demonstrate and de-risk solutions.
Building a framework for assurance, accountability, and action
Strengthening the global nuclear security system
Engaging a diverse group of states to develop innovative monitoring and verification solutions
Working toward a shared vision of a nuclear weapons-free world
Breaking down gender barriers and making gender equity a working reality
Testing ideas and developing proposals for improving security in areas of existential common interest
The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and NTI are co-chairing a new bipartisan task force comprised of over a dozen former senior government officials and experts with deep national security experience.
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