The Cyber-Nuclear Threat
Nuclear and tech experts know that all digital systems are at risk for cyberattacks—including nuclear weapons systems.
Nuclear and tech experts know that all digital systems are at risk for cyberattacks—including nuclear weapons systems.
NTI explores the risks and benefits related to the digitization and automation plans for modernization of U.S. nuclear weapons systems and addresses implications for the national security community to consider as the process moves forward.
The first detailed, exclusively open-source assessment of the five new nuclear weapon systems announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018
North Korea and Iran have been suspected of collaborating on missile development. Analysts closely compare the Nodong-X and Ghadr-1 for similarities. (CNS)
The threat of non-state actors using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to carry out terrorist attacks. (CNS)
Addressing challenges associated with the threat of cruise missiles and UAVs, and evaluating how more effective policies can help contain them. (CNS)