Cathy Gwin
Senior Director, Communications
The authors write about effective strategies for preventing biological events that could rise to the level of a global catastrophe by disincentivizing states from bioweapons development and use.
NTI | bio supported the development of a new report from Stanford University’s Bio Policy & Leadership in Society Initiative that highlights the importance of sharing biosecurity and biosafety best practices for life science research.
At this year's Munich Security Conference, NTI is hosting two official side events: one about the importance of global nuclear “fail-safe” measures and one about preventing bioweapons and catastrophic accidents.
NTI | bio experts contributed to the 9th Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference in Geneva.
NTI | bio partnered with Carnegie India as a "knowledge partner" for the 2022 Global Technology Summit and led two sessions on global biosecurity and biosafety.
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