Ernest J. Moniz and Armond Cohen in the Boston Globe: “The world wants to triple nuclear energy: What will it take?”
To make good on their COP28 pledge, countries need a new approach to building, regulating, and financing nuclear technology.
The three papers in this report were presented by their respective authors at the annual workshop on nuclear energy and nonproliferation hosted by NTI and the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) in Abu Dhabi in October 2023. More than 40 experts from the United States and Middle Eastern countries participated in this workshop, which catalyzed a discussion on how countries in the Middle East region and the international community can cooperate on nuclear energy in a way that bolsters nonproliferation and nuclear security standards and practices. The papers examine:
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To make good on their COP28 pledge, countries need a new approach to building, regulating, and financing nuclear technology.
At this critical juncture for action on climate change and energy security, 20 NGOs from around the globe jointly call for the efficient and responsible expansion of nuclear energy and advance six key principles for doing so.
The Playbook emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to scaling nuclear energy, considering the unique challenges and opportunities specific to each country, and highlights the role that new international institutions could play in supporting a global nuclear expansion.