The 2016 Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Nuclear Security Index assesses global nuclear security conditions in 176 countries. This year’s NTI Index assesses nuclear security conditions in two areas: the potential theft of weapons-usable nuclear materials and, for the first time, the potential sabotage of nuclear facilities. Also new is an assessment of country actions to meet the emerging cyber threat to nuclear facilities. The 2016 NTI Index identifies where progress has been made and recommends steps that can be taken by leaders at the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit and beyond.
Developed with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the NTI Index is recognized worldwide as the premiere resource and tool for tracking progress on nuclear security, identifying nuclear security priorities, and encouraging governments to take steps to secure nuclear materials and to build confidence in their security.
The briefing included:
Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman and CEO, NTI (Read remarks)
Joan Rohlfing, President, NTI
Leo Abruzzese, Director of Global Forecasting and Director of Public Policy, EIU
Page Stoutland, Vice President, Scientific and Technical Affairs, NTI
Samantha Pitts-Kiefer, Senior Program Officer, Scientific and Technical Affairs, NTI
Video of the event to be added soon.