Joan Rohlfing
President and Chief Operating Officer, NTI
On September 5th, 2018, Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) presented the release of the 2018 NTI Nuclear Security Index. The NTI Nuclear Security Index is a biennial assessment of nuclear security conditions worldwide and tracks progress on nuclear security across 176 countries. Now in its fourth edition, the 2018 NTI Index ranks nuclear security conditions in countries with some of the world’s deadliest materials—highly enriched uranium and plutonium that can be used to build nuclear weapons—and the security of nuclear facilities, which if sabotaged, could release dangerous radiation.
Developed with the EIU, the NTI Index is recognized worldwide as the premier tool for tracking progress on nuclear security, identifying nuclear security priorities, and encouraging governments to take steps to secure nuclear materials and facilities.
The program began with introductions by NTI President Joan Rohlfing; remarks by Secretary Ernest J. Moniz and NTI Founder Senator Sam Nunn; presentations from NTI Vice President Page Stoutland, EIU Global Director of Public Policy Consulting Hilary Steiner, and NTI Program Director Erin Dumbacher; all followed by a Q&A session.