Sam Nunn
Co-Founder and Co-Chair, NTI
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) celebrated its 10th anniversary on October 4th, 2011 with an awards dinner that honored leaders from around the globe who have made significant contributions to reducing the threat of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
The October 4th dinner—held at the House of Sweden and co-sponsored by the Swedish Ambassador to the United States Jonas Hafström—celebrated a remarkable decade of work by NTI, which was founded in 2001 by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner.
Below is video of the full event, followed by a list of the receipents and direct link to the video.
Adel Belbesi of Jordan, Alex Leventhal of Israel, Asad Ramlawi of the Palestinian Authority
The Shirley Williams Award
Andrew J. Bieniawski
The Charles B. Curtis Award
Desmond H. Browne
The William J. Perry Award
Ashton B. Carter
The Nunn-Lugar Award
Gareth Evans
The Amartya Sen Award
Rose Gottemoeller
The Max M. Kampelman Award
Wolfgang Ischinger
The Henry A. Kissinger Award
President Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Government of Kazakhstan
The Ted Turner Award
Sergey Ryabkov
The Igor S. Ivanov Award
Jonas Gahr Støre and the Government of Norway
The George P. Shultz Award
For more detailed information, please see the NTI press release on the event.