Transforming the International Dialogue on Biological Threats
A briefing for Congressional Research Staff on the development of a tuberculosis lab in North Korea.
- Library of Congress
Dr. Louise Gresham presented NTI's experience working with the civilian DPRK Ministry of Public Health to develop the country’s first modern tuberculosis laboratory. Begun in 2008, this unique collaboration of US-based voluntary interests, including a major medical institution, a humanitarian NGO and a non-profit sponsor, has succeeded during a period otherwise marked by profound deterioration of relations with the US and its allies in East Asia.
Because coordinated global efforts are needed to control TB in the antibiotic era, these types of engagements can translate to broader assimilation within the international health community. Gresham also presented the work of NTI on Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance (CORDS) to establish sustainable global cross-border communication and capacity to detect, respond to and control infectious disease outbreaks.
Discussion of NTI-supported tuberculosis lab in Pyongyang, North Korea is part of NTI's work to strengthen long-term health, stability and security.