
NTI expert chairs NPT Side Event on IPNDV Practical Work to Further Disarmament Verification

On May 7th NTI Senior
Director Andrew Newman chaired a side event at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty Preparatory Committee Meeting to discuss the practical activities of the
International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV).  With the program well into its second
multi-year phase, the IPNDV is taking its work from “paper to practice” through
hands-on exercises and technology demonstrations.  
These activities include an exercise on verification of non-diversion of
materials around a simulate
d nuclear warhead
dismantlement called “NuDiVe,”
led by Germany and France, and a Belgian-led demonstration assessing technology
methods to detect the presence or absence of nuclear material. Both activities
will include participants from several of the 25+ IPNDV partner countries.   

This event was hosted by Germany’s Foreign Office. Other speakers

  • Ambassador Peter Beerwerth,
    Permanent Representative of Germany to the Conference on Disarmament
  • Alexandre Quinet, Ministère des armées (France)
  • Irmgard Niemeyer, Forschungszentrum
    Jülich (Germany)
  • Klaas van der Meer, SCK-CEN Belgian Nuclear
    Research Centre

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NTI in Geneva to Celebrate the IPNDV’s 10 Years of Progress


NTI in Geneva to Celebrate the IPNDV’s 10 Years of Progress

NTI President and COO Joan Rohlfing and more than 100 experts from 20 countries gathered this week in Geneva to mark the 10th anniversary of the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV), a public-private partnership between NTI and the U.S. Department of State with 30 Partner countries.

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