
NTI Experts Participate in Euro-Atlantic Dialogue in Riga

From May 30-31, NTI experts traveled to Riga, Latvia for the Riga Dialogue, a convening of government and non-government experts from across the Euro-Atlantic region. The event, co-hosted by the Latvian Institute for International Affairs and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, was a unique opportunity for engagement among experts from across the Euro-Atlantic region, including non-government experts from Russia, who participated virtually, and current and former government officials from the Baltics.

The discussions focused on stemming ongoing Russian aggression in the region, including its unjustified war in Ukraine, and charting potential pathways to unify NATO allies, support Ukraine, and ultimately seek lasting regional peace in the long-term. Participants also discussed possibilities for the future of NATO nuclear deployments and nuclear arms control with Russia.

NTI experts have been active participants in the Riga Dialogue since NTI helped found the dialogue in 2014. It continues to be a valuable forum for NTI to connect with a diverse group of experts from across the Euro-Atlantic region and make progress on critical issues.

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