NTI | bio experts address G7 Global Partnership Working Group in Berlin
NTI experts briefed government representatives at a G7 working group meeting in Berlin.
The Technical Consortium for DNA Synthesis Screening, convened by NTI | bio and the World Economic Forum (WEF), responded this week to the U.S. government’s request for comment on its Revised Screening Framework Guidance for Providers and Users of Synthetic Oligonucleotides—fragments of DNA or RNA. The government’s Revised Guidance was published in April 2022 as an update to the influential guidance initially established in 2010 that set standards for screening customers and DNA sequences for synthetic DNA orders. DNA synthesis screening is critical for preventing the building blocks of potentially dangerous pathogens from falling into the hands of malicious actors.
The Technical Consortium’s comment—signed by leading technical and policy experts from biotechnology industry, the academic research community, and the biosecurity community—expresses support for many aspects of the Revised Guidance, noting “[we] applaud the U.S. government for releasing this Revised Guidance and opening an important, valuable discussion on these challenging topics.” The comment recommends a dual-track strategy to expand biosecurity screening practices to providers who don’t currently screen and improve such practices among responsible providers.
The Technical Consortium continues to work toward the development of an international Common Mechanism for DNA synthesis screening—with plans to establish initial operational capabilities by late 2022—and it is well positioned to provide technical feedback as well as perspectives from industry and the international community. As the testing and dissemination of the Common Mechanism moves forward, the Technical Consortium will continue its efforts to ensure that its approach is consistent with this Revised Guidance and that its screening tool evolves to keep pace with rapid bioscience and biotechnology advances.
The comment was signed by the following Technical Consortium convenors and experts:
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NTI experts briefed government representatives at a G7 working group meeting in Berlin.
NTI | bio and the World Economic Forum (WEF) convened the third annual meeting of the Technical Consortium on DNA Synthesis Screening on May 12-13, 2022.
NTI | bio hosted a lunchtime event on Capitol Hill to discuss how Congress and other decisionmakers can take action to mitigate emerging risks associated with AI-bio capabilities.