Mimi Hall
Vice President, Communications
Welcome to Atomic Pulse!
By now you may have noticed that the Nuclear Threat
Initiative (NTI) has a new blog: Atomic
Pulse: The Beat on WMDD from NTI. We’re excited to use this new platform to
supplement the research, analysis and project updates on our website.
How? By bringing you behind-the-scenes stories (like Andrew
Bieniawski on removing highly enriched uranium from Poland). By helping you
to know our staff. By letting you know about interesting
books, movies and events. By connecting
our work to what’s happening in the news.
If you’re not familiar with NTI, we are a non-profit, non-partisan
organization, founded by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and philanthropist
Ted Turner to work to prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass
destruction and disruption (WMDD) – specifically nuclear, biological,
radiological, chemical, and cyber.
We know you have a lot competing for your attention, from the U.S. presidential contest to the tragedy in Aleppo. We hope Atomic Pulse will help you learn more about the most important WMDD security issues facing our leaders – and we hope it will encourage you to get involved.
We invite you to share ideas and send feedback to NTI Senior Director for Content and Atomic Pulse editor Mimi Hall at [email protected]. Please remember to put “Atomic Pulse” in the subject line.
Thank you for reading!
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