Mimi Hall
Vice President, Communications
Feeling Energized?
The inauguration and women’s marches energized people from
around the world, and groups are galvanizing on a host of issues, both domestic
and international.
When it comes to the policies and issues around global and
nuclear security, however, the lines are often less clearly drawn – and it can
be hard for citizens to know how to make themselves heard.
A good first step is to learn more, and NTI has the
resources to help.
First, sign up for
our periodic newsletter to keep up-to-date on efforts to prevent
catastrophic threats with weapons of mass destruction and disruption – nuclear,
biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber.
And when opportunities arise to make yourself heard, that’s
how we’ll let you know!
Explore our website for a
vast array of resources to get up to speed and share with friends and elected
To become persuasive about
working toward a world without nuclear weapons and the steps to get there, you
need to understand the basics. NTI’s tutorials are used around the world by
people new to the field—including students, young professionals and media—or
serve as a refresher course for experienced professionals. They can be used on
the job, in the classroom, or on the road to get oriented.
Nuclear Tipping Point, a documentary
on the groundbreaking work by Cold Warriors George P. Shultz, William J. Perry,
Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn to reduce global reliance on nuclear weapons. The
2010 film, narrated by actor Michael Douglas, was screened by President Obama
at the White House and has been shown around the world.
Last Best Chance, a 2005 docudrama
about the global threats posed by poorly secured nuclear materials that’s as
relevant today as when it was made.
Launch Under Attack Feasible? What does it mean for a president to have his
or her “finger on the number button?”
the Bomb Interactive Budget Database. Learn about U.S.
government spending to reduce nuclear, biological and chemical threats outside
the United States.
Pulse, NTI’s new blog, helps keep you up-to-speed with updates from NTI and
our partners around the world.
Social Media
Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest on nuclear and biological threats.
Gigi Murakami is an American freelance illustrator and manga (comic) creator based in Brooklyn, New York. Her work blends Japanese manga art and vintage American comic and pulp aesthetics.
Eugenia Zoloto is a Ukrainian artist who specializes in paper cutting, collages, and illustrations, in addition to working with oil paints and mixed mediums. She lives in Kyiv with her husband and two children and is participating in the 2023 #CranesForOurFuture campaign by contributing a beautiful floral sculpture featuring an origami crane.
Considering the current nuclear landscape, the power of Christopher Nolan’s film and the moral and ethical questions raised by J. Robert Oppenheimer’s work, movie viewers may be motivated to act to advocate for a world without nuclear weapons. But how?