
The 2020 NTI Nuclear Security Index

Nuclear Weapons in the New Cyber Age

A Roadmap for America’s Nuclear Policy and Posture
INFCIRC 869 Guide for Implementation and Building Confidence
This implementation guide provides an overview of the commitments contained in the Joint Statement / INFCIRC 869 as well as proposed actions for countries to take to implement the Joint Statement.
Global Dialogue Discussion Paper: Strengthening the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Facilities Regime
An excerpt from a discussion paper, entitled "Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Facilities Regime: A Path Forward."
2016 Nuclear Security Summit Progress Report
Despite progress at the Nuclear Security Summit, the threat of nuclear terrorism continues to evolve, and gaps remain in the global system for nuclear security.
Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities: Building an Effective Global Nuclear Security System
The Nuclear Threat Initiative has convened government officials, experts, representatives from international organizations, and industry leaders since 2012 to define what a truly comprehensive and effective global nuclear security system would look like and has developed related recommendations. This paper is the culmination of this work and lays out a vision for strengthening the global nuclear security system and the steps needed to achieve it, including after the summit process ends.
Implementing International Mechanisms to Ensure the Security of Military Materials
In a new post for Nuclear Security Matters, an online forum of Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, NTI's Samantha Pitts-Kiefer explains the importance of securing all weapons-usable nuclear materials.
Nuclear Nightmares: 2014 Global Terrorism Index
NTI's Samantha Pitts-Kiefer contributes to the Institute for Economics and Peace's 2014 Global Terrorism Index.