Samantha Neakrase
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
INFCIRC 869 Guide for Implementation and Building Confidence provides an overview of the commitments contained in the Joint Statement on Strengthening Nuclear Security Implementation as well as proposed actions for countries to take to implement the Joint Statement.
The Joint Statement, sponsored by the Dutch government and subscribed to by 35 countries at the 2014 Summit in the Hague, was one of the most important outcomes of the Nuclear Security Summit.
The Joint Statement was important because subscribing states committed to implement existing non-binding IAEA guidance documents and take other actions to continuously improve security. In October 2014, the statement was conveyed to the IAEA to be circulated to member states as an information circular and therefore open to all IAEA member states to subscribe to—this was circulated as INFCIRC/869. The implementation guide outlines commitments contained in the Joint Statement and proposed actions for countries to implement the Joint Statement.
Download the Implementation Guide:
INFCIRC 869 Guide for Implementation and Building Confidence
Additional Resources:
Joint Statement on Strengthening Nuclear Security Implementation
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