
Pathways to Cooperation: A Menu of Potential US-Russian Cooperative Projects in the Nuclear Sphere

Pathways to Cooperation: A Menu of Potential US-Russian Cooperative Projects in the Nuclear Sphere

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Anton Khlopkov
Andrew Bieniawski

The Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Russian-based Center for Energy and Security Studies have released a new report highlighting key projects in the nuclear sphere that the United States and Russia can take to innovate and build trust in the nuclear sphere.

The report offers a menu of over 50 projects for mutually beneficial engagement between the United States and Russia, developed jointly by dozens of U.S. and Russian nuclear experts, as part of a “Track II” dialogue sponsored by NTI and CENESS. The projects span cooperation across five thematic areas: nuclear science, nuclear energy, nuclear safety, nuclear security, and nuclear environmental remediation.  

Click here to view the report in PDF form in English.

Click here to view the report in PDF form in Russian. 

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