Country Spotlight
Azerbaijan did not inherit any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons with the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, Azerbaijan possesses ballistic missiles which it has used in conflict with Armenia. Azerbaijan has consistently expressed interest in the construction of a nuclear power reactor.
See Azerbaijan's performance in
Region Former Soviet Union
$10 billion Estimated cost of nuclear reactor construction
100 Estimated inventory of ballistic missiles, including LORA and EXTRA
280 Estimated range in kilometers of LORA ballistic missiles
- Declared interest in constructing a nuclear power reactor in 2008
- IAEA approved plans for a nuclear research reactor in 2015
- Receives aid from U.S. under Caspian Guard Initiative to improve export control and border security for nonproliferation
Tutorial on Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 2004
- Signed agreement under Cooperative Threat Reduction program to transfer samples of biological agents like anthrax and cholera to U.S. in 2005
- Does not possess biological weapons
Tutorial on Biological Weapons Nonproliferation
Azerbaijan Overview
- Inherited Tochka ballistic missiles after collapse of the Soviet Union
- Purchased LORA ballistic missiles and EXTRA guided missiles from Israel
- Limited use of LORA missiles reported during the 44-day war with Armenia in 2020
Tutorial on Missiles and Other WMD Delivery Systems
The CNS Global Missile Defense Engagements Database
- Founding member of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
- Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
- Does not possess chemical weapons
Tutorial on Chemical Weapons Nonproliferation
NTI Tutorials
Treaties and Regimes Memberships
Azerbaijan Overview
NIS Nuclear Trafficking Collection
NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index: Building a Framework for Assurance, Accountability and Action
Education Center