Countries and Areas
Overviews of national nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile programs and nonproliferation efforts. Select profiles of countries and other areas include in-depth explorations of WMD programs and associated facilities. Material prepared for NTI by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
Recently updated and trending profiles of countries and other areas
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE)
- Missile
Bharat Dynamics Limited
- Missile
Bharat Earth Movers Limited
- Nuclear
Bharat Electronics Limited
- Missile
Centre for Environment and Explosive Safety
- Missile
Combat Vehicles R&D Establishment
- Missile
Defence Electronics Applications Lab
- Missile
Defence Electronics Research Laboratory
- Missile
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory
- Missile
Defence Research and Development Laboratory
- Missile
Defence Terrain Research Laboratory
- Nuclear
Electronics and Radar Development Establishment
- Nuclear
Electronics Corporation of India Limited
- Missile
Gas Turbine Research Establishment
- Nuclear
Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
- Missile
High Energy Materials Research Laboratory
- Nuclear
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
- Nuclear
IBP Company Limited
- Missile
Institute of Armament Technology
- Missile
Instrumentation Limited
- Nuclear
Larsen and Toubro
- Nuclear
Laser Science and Technology Centre
- Nuclear
Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd.
- Missile
Microwave Tube Research and Development Centre
- Nuclear
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (Midhani)
- Missile
Pantex Gee Bee Fluid Power Ltd.
- Missile
Research & Development Establishment, Engineering
- Missile
Research Center Imarat
- Missile
S.K. Machine Tools Private Ltd.
- Missile
Semiconductor Complex Limited (SCL)
- Missile
Solid State Physics Laboratory
- Nuclear
Sriharikota High Altitude Range
- Missile
Srijan Control Drives
- Missile
Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory
- Missile
The KCP Limited
- Missile
Vehicles Research & Development Establishment
- Nuclear
Vikram Sarabhai Space Center
- Nuclear
Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)
- Missile
Amirkabir University of Technology
- Nuclear
Anarak Waste Storage Facility
- Nuclear
Arak Nuclear Complex
- Nuclear
Ardakan Yellowcake Production Plant
- Nuclear
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)
- Nuclear
Bakhtaran Missile Base
- Missile
Bandar Abbas
- Missile
Bandar Abbas Uranium Production Plant (BUP)
- Nuclear
Bank Sepah
- Missile
Bonab Atomic Energy Research Center
- Nuclear
Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP)
- Nuclear
Defense Industries Organization (DIO) (Missile)
- Missile
Defense Industries Organization (DIO) (Nuclear)
- Nuclear
Fajr Industrial Group
- Missile
Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant
- Nuclear
Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP)
- Nuclear
Fuel Fabrication Laboratory (FFL)
- Nuclear
Graphite Sub-Critical Reactor (ENTC GSCR)
- Nuclear
Heavy Water Production Plant (HWPP)
- Nuclear
Heavy Water Zero Power Reactor (ENTC-HWZPR)
- Nuclear
Imam Ali Missile Base
- Missile
Imam Hussein University (IHU)
- Nuclear
Imam Khomeini Space Center
- Missile
Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM)
- Nuclear
Isfahan (Esfahan) Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Center (NFRPC)
- Nuclear
Isfahan (Esfahan) Nuclear Technology Center (INTC)
- Nuclear
Isfahan Missile Complex
- Missile
Lashkar Ab’ad
- Nuclear
Light Water Sub-Critical Reactor (ENTC-LWSCR)
- Nuclear
Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR)
- Nuclear
Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)
- Missile
Natanz Enrichment Complex
- Nuclear
Parchin Military Complex (Missile)
- Missile
Parchin Military Complex (Nuclear)
- Nuclear
Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP)
- Nuclear
Qom Waste Disposal Site
- Nuclear
Saghand Uranium Mine
- Nuclear
Semnan Missile Complex
- Missile
Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group
- Missile
Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group
- Missile
Shahroud Missile Test Site
- Missile
Shiraz Missile Plant
- Missile
Tabriz Missile Base
- Missile
Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC)
- Nuclear
Tehran Research Reactor (TRR)
- Nuclear
Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF)
- Nuclear
Yazd Radiation Processing Center (YRPC)
- Nuclear
Zirconium Production Plant (ZPP)
- Nuclear
Ein Shemer
- Missile
IMI Systems
- Missile
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.
- Missile
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
- Nuclear
Ministry of Defense
- Missile
- Missile
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
- Missile
- Missile
Soreq Nuclear Research Center
- Nuclear
Tel Nof Airbase
- Missile
- Nuclear
929th State Test Flight Center (Taysoygan)
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
Baikonur Cosmodrome
- Missile
Baykal-1 (Baikal) Research Reactor Complex
- Nuclear
Committee on Atomic Energy
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE)
- Nuclear
Institute of Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear
Joint Stock Company “Biomedpreparat-Engineering Center”
- Biological
Joint Venture Inkai (INKAY)
- Nuclear
Kapustin Yar
- Nuclear
Kaskor Joint Stock Company
- Nuclear
Katko Joint Venture
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
M. Aikimbayev Kazakh Scientific Center of Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases (KSCQZD)
- Biological
M. AIkimbayev Kazakh Scientific Center of Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases (KSCQZD)
- Biological
Mangyshlak Atomic Energy Combine
- Nuclear
Mining Directorate No. 6
- Nuclear
National Nuclear Center (NNC)
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
Scientific Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems
- Biological
Semipalatinsk Test Site
- Nuclear
Spent Fuel Storage Sites
- Nuclear
Stepnoye Mining Directorate
- Nuclear
Tsentralnoye Mining Directorate
- Nuclear
Ulba Metallurgical Plant
- Nuclear
Volkovgeologiya JSC
- Nuclear
Vozrozhdeniye Open-Air Test Site
- Biological
Zharys State Holding Company
- Nuclear
Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Nuclear
Chiha-ri Missile Base
- Missile
Geumchang-ri Underground Facility
- Nuclear
Geumho-Jigu Light Water Reactor Site
- Nuclear
Hagap Underground Suspected Nuclear Facility
- Nuclear
Hamheung University of Chemical Industry
- Chemical
January 18th Machine Factory
- Missile
Kim Il Sung University
- Nuclear
Kum Song Tractor Factory
- Missile
Kumcheon Scud Missile Base
- Missile
Kusŏng Machine Tool Factory
- Missile
MGC-20 Cyclotron
- Nuclear
No. 125 Factory
- Missile
No. 26 Factory
- Missile
No. Seven Factory
- Missile
Okp’yŏng-dong Missile Base
- Missile
P’yŏngsan Uranium Milling Facility
- Nuclear
Pakch’ŏn Uranium Mine
- Nuclear
Pukchung Machine Complex
- Missile
Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Facility
- Nuclear
Pyongyang Semiconductor Factory
- Missile
Sakkabbong Missile Base
- Missile
Sangnam-ri Missile Base
- Missile
Shin’o-ri Missile Base
- Missile
Sohae Satellite Launching Station
- Missile
Sŭngni Automobile Factory
- Missile
Taecheon 200MWe Nuclear Reactor
- Nuclear
Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground
- Missile
Yongbyon High-Explosive Test Site
- Nuclear
Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center
- Nuclear
Yongdeok-dong High-Explosive Test Site
- Nuclear
Yŏngjŏ-ri Missile Base
- Missile
Yongnim-ŭp Missile Base
- Missile
Air Weapons Complex (AWC)
- Missile
Defense Science and Technology Organization (DESTO)
- Missile
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI)
- Missile
Karachi Institute of Power Engineering (KINPOE)
- Nuclear
Khan Research Laboratories (KRL)
- Missile
Kundian Nuclear Complex-1 (KNC-1)
- Nuclear
Mashhood Test Firing Range (MTFR)
- Missile
National Command Authority (NCA)
- Missile
National Defense Complex (NDC)
- Missile
National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM)
- Missile
National Security Council of Pakistan (NSC)
- Missile
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
- Nuclear
Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF)
- Missile
Sonmiani Flight Test Range (FTR)
- Missile
Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)
- Missile
Strategic Plans Division (SPD)
- Missile
A.A. Bochvar High-Technology Scientific Research Institute for Inorganic Materials (VNIINM)
- Nuclear
A.I. Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP)
- Nuclear
A.P. Aleksandrov Scientific Research Technological Institute (NITI)
- Nuclear
Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering (OKBM)
- Nuclear
Akademik Lomonosov
- Nuclear
All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics (VNIIA)
- Nuclear
All-Russian Scientific Institute of Measuring Systems (NIIIS)
- Nuclear
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) (Missile)
- Missile
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) (Nuclear)
- Nuclear
AtomRedMetZoloto (ARMZ Uranium Holding)
- Nuclear
B.P. Konstantinov St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (IPPN or PNPI)
- Nuclear
- Missile
Central Test Site of Russia on Novaya Zemlya
- Missile
Chepetsky Mechanical Plant (ChMZ)
- Nuclear
Electrochemical Plant (EKhZ) Production Association
- Nuclear
Elektrokhimpribor Combine
- Nuclear
Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and Nuclear Oversight (Rostekhnadzor)
- Nuclear
Fuel Company of Rosatom (TVEL)
- Nuclear
I.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE)
- Nuclear
IGR Nuclear Reactor Complex
- Nuclear
Instrumentation Factory (PSZ)
- Missile
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)
- Nuclear
Machine-Building Plant (Elemash)
- Nuclear
Mayak Production Association
- Nuclear
Mining and Chemical Combine (GKhK)
- Chemical
Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MIFI or MEPhI)
- Nuclear
N.A. Dollezhal Scientific Research and Design Institute of Energy Technologies (NIKIET)
- Nuclear
National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management (NO RAO)
- Nuclear
National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
- Nuclear
Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP)
- Chemical
Plesetsk Cosmodrome
- Missile
Red Star
- Missile
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
Scientific Research Institute for Instruments (NIIP) (Lytkarino)
- Nuclear
Sever Production Association (PO Sever)
- Missile
Siberian Chemical Combine (SKhK)
- Chemical
Start Production Association (PO Start)
- Missile
State Atomic Energy Cooperation Rosatom
- Nuclear
Troitskii Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research (TRINITI)
- Nuclear
Urals Electrochemical Combine (Uekhk)
- Nuclear
Urals Elektromechanical Plant (UEMZ)
- Missile
Zababakhin All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Technical Physics (VNIITF)
- Missile
Al-Kibar (Missile)
- Missile
Al-Kibar (Nuclear)
- Nuclear
Al-Safir Missile Base
- Missile
Aleppo Missile Factory
- Missile
Atomic Energy Commission of Syria (AECS)
- Nuclear
- Biological
Cyclotron Facility
- Nuclear
Deposit No. 1182
- Nuclear
Deposit No. 1184
- Nuclear
Deposit No. 1188
- Nuclear
Der Al-Hadjar Nuclear Research Center
- Nuclear
Electronics Institute
- Missile
Hama Missile Base and Production Factory
- Missile
Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology
- Nuclear
Homs Missile Factory
- Missile
Ion Beam Accelerator Facility
- Nuclear
- Nuclear
Marj as-Sultan Uranium Conversion Facility
- Nuclear
- Chemical
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Syria
- Nuclear
National Standards and Calibration Laboratory
- Nuclear
Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory
- Nuclear
Nuclear Analytical Laboratory
- Nuclear
Nuclear Electronics Laboratory
- Nuclear
Nuclear Training Laboratory
- Nuclear
Phosphoric Acid Pilot Plant
- Nuclear
Radioactive Waste Management Division (RWMD)
- Nuclear
Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Office (RNR)
- Nuclear
Scientific Studies and Research Center (Chemical)
- Chemical
Scientific Studies and Research Center (Missile)
- Missile
Scientific Studies and Research Center (Nuclear)
- Nuclear
- Nuclear

Treaties & Regimes
Information on treaties, organizations, and regimes relating to disarmament, arms control, and nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The Global Health Security Index

The 2023 NTI Nuclear Security Index

A Global Playbook for Nuclear Energy Development in Embarking Countries: Six Dimensions for Success