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Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering (OKBM)

  • Location
    Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
  • Type
    Nuclear-Power Reactors
  • Facility Status

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Established in 1945, the Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering (OKBM) designs small power reactors, fast breeder reactors, and reactors for naval propulsion and heat generation. It is best known as the main designer for the Soviet Union’s and Russia’s flagship nuclear propulsion projects, including the first nuclear submarine reactor, reactors for the nuclear icebreaking fleet, and reactors for the floating nuclear power plant project. 1

OKBM has two operational critical assemblies, powered by highly-enriched uranium (HEU), on its site. 2

The Institute has a history of cooperation with foreign partners, and has participated in fuel development for BN and VVER reactors. OKBM also cooperates with the China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation in designing reactors, and provides pump equipment for nuclear power plants constructed in China. 3


Nuclear reactor
Nuclear reactor: A vessel in which nuclear fission may be sustained and controlled in a chain nuclear reaction. The varieties are many, but all incorporate certain features, including: fissionable or fissile fuel; a moderating material (unless the reactor is operated on fast neutrons); a reflector to conserve escaping neutrons; provisions of removal of heat; measuring and controlling instruments; and protective devices.
Nuclear power plant
Nuclear power plant: A facility that generates electricity using a nuclear reactor as its heat source to provide steam to a turbine generator.
Critical Assembly
A critical assembly is an assembly of sufficient fissionable material and moderator to sustain a fission chain reaction at a very low power level. This permits study of the behavior of the components of the assembly for various fissionable materials in different geometrical arrangements.
Highly enriched uranium (HEU)
Highly enriched uranium (HEU): Refers to uranium with a concentration of more than 20% of the isotope U-235. Achieved via the process of enrichment. See entry for enriched uranium.


  1. “О предприятии” About the enterprise, ОАО Опытное Конструкторское Бюро Машиностроения им. И.И. Африкантова OJSC Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering, www.okbm.nnov.ru.
  2. “Реакторные установки” Reactor assemblies, ОАО Опытное Конструкторское Бюро Машиностроения им. И.И. Африкантова OJSC Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering, www.okbm.nnov.ru.
  3. “Энергетическое оборудование” Power equipment, ОАО Опытное Конструкторское Бюро Машиностроения им. И.И. Африкантова OJSC Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering, www.okbm.nnov.ru.


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