Hollywood Voices Sound Alarm on Nuclear Threat as Oppenheimer Sweeps the Academy Awards
NTI's #MakeNukesHistory campaign breaks through Oscars coverage to remind people that while Oppenheimer is history, nuclear weapons are not.
NTI Vice Chairman Des Browne covered a range of nuclear policy issues in the keynote address to the annual meeting of the Washington-based Arms Control Association. The former UK Defense Secretary called for the nuclear weapon states to participate in and shape the agenda for the third conference on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons coming up in Austria this December. "This needs to be a cooperative effort. If you want to have nuclear weapons, you have to live with the responsibility and the consequences of them and explain to others how you will deal with that challenge," Browne said. "We have a responsibility, if we depend for our strategic security on these weapons, to engage with this challenge. … We need to be there."
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NTI's #MakeNukesHistory campaign breaks through Oscars coverage to remind people that while Oppenheimer is history, nuclear weapons are not.
NTI Program Officer Patricia Jaworek joined a panel discussion on the devastating humanitarian effects of nuclear weapons and shared her research on the subject.
NTI announces its third annual campaign to mark the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and create a shared moment where people come together to show their support for a world without nuclear weapons.