Hollywood Voices Sound Alarm on Nuclear Threat as Oppenheimer Sweeps the Academy Awards
NTI's #MakeNukesHistory campaign breaks through Oscars coverage to remind people that while Oppenheimer is history, nuclear weapons are not.
With today’s anticipated announcement on Iran’s compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the next steps will likely be in the hands of Congress, which will have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions. NTI offers key resources on the Iran nuclear program, the JCPOA, and the issues facing Congress and the Iran nuclear program.
Materials include an op-ed and commentary by NTI Chairman and CEO former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, the principal negotiator of the final Iran deal nuclear provisions. In cooperation with the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, NTI also has developed a video update of the Iran deal, as well as a library of information related to Iran’s nuclear program. In addition, NTI has included infographics and resources from the U.S. Department of Energy explaining the unprecedented and intrusive monitoring used to make sure Iran is compliant with the agreement.
Watch @ErnestMoniz explain how the Iran Deal is working & why abandoning it would lead to a nuclear Iran on @CNN https://t.co/aBOYHsEra9
— NTI (@NTI_WMD) October 12, 2017
The world can’t afford a nuclear Iran. Keep the current deal by Ernest J. Moniz (Boston Globe, 10/08/17)
Nunn & Lugar Urge Support for Iran Deal (Politico, 08/30/15)
No, Iran is Not Pursuing an ICBM (yet)
Iran Missile and SLV Launch Database
Visualizing Centrifuge Limits Under the Iran Deal
U.S. Department of Energy Iran Deal Explainer
Iran Country Profile
Iran Submarine Capabilities
Iran Interactive Facilities Map
Iran Ballistic Missile Models
B-Roll Iran Natanz Enrichment Complex
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NTI's #MakeNukesHistory campaign breaks through Oscars coverage to remind people that while Oppenheimer is history, nuclear weapons are not.
NTI Program Officer Patricia Jaworek joined a panel discussion on the devastating humanitarian effects of nuclear weapons and shared her research on the subject.
NTI announces its third annual campaign to mark the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and create a shared moment where people come together to show their support for a world without nuclear weapons.