New Nuclear Posture Quiz Asks: What Would You do?
Explore the global implications of the Trump Administration's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review through an interactive quiz, infographic, and analysis piece.
Today, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) released new high quality, high resolution B-roll footage (see below) to provide visual context to help understand the issues at the heart of the negotiations between Iran and the P5+1, ahead of the June 30 deadline.
The new footage of Iran's original and more advanced centrifuge models includes an option for green screens. The centrifuge B-roll, along with new footage of Iran's Natanz, Fordow and Bushehr facilities can be customized and annotated.
The footage is free to use with the following attribution: “Created by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies for the Nuclear Threat Initiative.”
A separate collection of 3D facility videos goes beyond the B-roll footage with background and additional details about the proliferation sensitivities of the Natanz and Fordow facilities, the Arak heavy water reactor, the Bushehr nuclear power plant and the Imam Khomeini Space Center.
See below for the available B-roll and contact information to request a download.
For additional inquiries about using this footage, or to consult with an expert, please contact [email protected].
PREVIEW a low-resolution version of this high-resolution video:
PREVIEW a low-resolution version of this high-resolution video:
PREVIEW a low-resolution version of this high-resolution video:
PREVIEW a low-resolution version of this high-resolution video:
PREVIEW a low-resolution version of this high-resolution video:
PREVIEW a low-resolution version of this high-resolution video:
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Explore the global implications of the Trump Administration's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review through an interactive quiz, infographic, and analysis piece.
NTI and CNS have compiled North Korea speeches, statements, inforgraphics, databases, and other background info to better understand North Korea's nuclear program.
More than 40 innovators, nuclear experts, artists, filmmakers, and authors gathered for a 4-day nuclear summit to learn about various aspects of the nuclear weapons debate.