“With today’s news of the passing
of IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, the world has lost a champion for
nuclear non-proliferation, security, and safety, and an effective advocate for
the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
“I worked closely with the
Director General during negotiations of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of
Action with Iran and as the Agency fulfilled its crucial role in verifying the agreement
with the most extensive nuclear monitoring regime in the world.
“NTI also was pleased to
stand with the Director General in Astana, Kazakhstan in 2017 to celebrate the launch
of the IAEA low-enriched uranium bank. NTI and the IAEA worked tirelessly for more
than ten years to see this initiative from concept to fruition. I am sorry he
won’t be able to watch the bank become operational later this year. The LEU bank
is an example of his leadership and commitment to building a safer world for
future generations.
“This is but one example
of many. Director General Amano contributed significantly to the Nuclear Security
Summits, which brought world leaders together to address the threat of nuclear
terrorism, as well as the creation of the International Conference on Nuclear
Security, a forum designed to sustain and build on the gains made during the
summit process.
“The world is a safer place
thanks to Director General Amano. I am honored to have known and worked with
him, and I send deepest condolences to his family, his friends, and all who
worked with him at the IAEA and beyond.” – NTI Co-Chair and CEO Ernest J. Moniz
“I am
saddened to learn of the passing of IAEA Director General Amano. He lived a
life of service as an outstanding diplomat and as head of the IAEA. He was a
global leader in promoting the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear
technologies and in reducing nuclear dangers.
“All of us
at NTI are grateful for his unwavering commitment to the IAEA low enriched
uranium bank and his determination to make it a reality. Even before the launch
of the LEU bank in 2017, he was able to skillfully explain to the leaders of
countries who were pursuing nuclear power that the forthcoming bank would allow
countries access to nuclear fuel in the case of an interruption of their supply
and there was not a need to develop their own enrichment programs.
“The IAEA bank, which will become operational
later this year, will play an important role in reducing nuclear dangers and
will serve as a vivid example of the benefits of international cooperation at a
time when our world is in a race between cooperation and catastrophe. This is a
critical achievement in Yukiya Amano’s legacy.” – NTI Co-Chair and Co-Founder Sam Nunn
“We both worked closely with Director General Amano and
admired his outstanding service to the IAEA. Director General Amano was a
skillful diplomat who led the agency with vision and wisdom in an ever-changing
world. From the low-enriched uranium bank launched by the IAEA in 2017 to
enhancing materials security around the globe, NTI was honored to work with the
Director General in making the world a safer place. We will always be grateful
for his leadership, his professionalism, and his commitment to reducing nuclear
dangers.” – NTI President Joan Rohlfing and President Emeritus Charles B. Curtis