Deborah Rosenblum was part of NTI’s executive leadership team and helped oversee the organization’s operations, development and programs with an annual operating budget of $15-20 million.
At NTI, Rosenblum led the successful development of Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance (CORDS) as an independent, self-sustaining global network of regional disease surveillance groups. She serves on the board of CORDS, where she promotes good governance in her role as finance chair. Rosenblum also helps manage NTI’s work on security issues related to China and travels there regularly to meet with government officials and non-governmental organizations. In addition, she leads NTI’s Middle Eastern partnerships, with a focus primarily in the Levant region, travelling regularly for programmatic work as well as speaking engagements on behalf of NTI. Rosenblum has served on the board of the Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship since 2012. From 2017 to 2018, Rosenblum served as an N Square fellow and focused on driving innovation in the nuclear field. She currently serves as an advisor to the fellowship program.
Prior to NTI, Rosenblum was vice president of The Cohen Group, an international consulting firm, for seven years. Rosenblum served for 12 years in senior positions with the U.S. Department of Defense, in the areas of homeland defense, peacekeeping operations and support, nuclear forces, and counter-proliferation policy. While at the Defense Department, Rosenblum represented the United States as a negotiator with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on multi-year bilateral negotiations around its nuclear program. Rosenblum holds a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College. She is fluent in French.