The Pacific Rim Spent Fuel Management Partnership Working Group: A Common Framework for the Safe, Secure, and Socially Acceptable Siting of Geological Disposal Facilities for High-Level and Long-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
Efforts to develop sustainable solutions for the long- term management of HLW have been ongoing for decades, and most programs around the world have experienced both successes and failures.
Learning From Catastrophe: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Preparing for and Responding to a Domestic Radiation Emergency
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised important questions about resiliency and preparedness for other catastrophic disasters, including nuclear and radiological emergencies. A new NTI-commissioned paper by Major General Julie Bentz (ret.), assesses potential gaps.
Cooperative Risk Management and Reduction: A New Framework for Nuclear Materials Security
This paper proposes Cooperative Risk Management and Reduction (CRMR) as a model for nuclear security engagement centered on the principle of continuous improvement and an enhanced emphasis on the critical roles played by culture, institutions, treaties, and norms for sustaining nuclear security excellence.
Toward 2024 and Beyond: The Fate of Vladimir Putin’s Reign, Part II
Berls looks at prospects for Russia after Putin and offer some possible scenarios that Russia could face when the reign of Vladimir Putin comes to an end.