
Ensuring Safeguards Sustainability

Ensuring Safeguards Sustainability

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The safeguards system implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is the principal international verification mechanism of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). It operates pursuant to the authority given in the IAEA Statute2and in the NPT. It should be noted that the IAEA safeguards system also serves as the verification instrument in so-called item-specific safeguards agreements concluded in connection with specific projects in non-NPT states. However, the number of such agreements—as well as the amount of IAEA activity required—is significantly lower that of those related to the NPT.

In order to perform its mission effectively and efficiently, the IAEA must sustain its authority,competence, and credibility in the face of external challenges (budgetary and political pressures) and internal challenges (suboptimal management of the safeguards mission).

This paper discusses ways sustainability of the IAEA safeguards system can be ensured by the agency, its Member States, and the international community.

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What Is Safeguards Effectiveness?


What Is Safeguards Effectiveness?

The term “safeguards effectiveness” means the effectiveness of IAEA verification—that is, the ability of the IAEA to detect non-compliance.

Reflections on Safeguards Culture


Reflections on Safeguards Culture

The concepts of “nuclear safety culture” and“nuclear security culture” are well established in IAEA practice, but no similar terminology is used for nuclear safeguards.

Efficiency of IAEA Safeguards Implementation and Innovation


Efficiency of IAEA Safeguards Implementation and Innovation

The IAEA safeguards system ensures that the nuclear material and activities falling under the scope of agreements between the IAEA and states are not being used to build nuclear weapons or any other nuclear explosive devices.


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