
A Safer Nuclear Enterprise

A Safer Nuclear Enterprise

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Sidney Drell
George P. Shultz

Former U.S. Secretary of State

NOTE: Science is a subscription-only publication.  The following is an excerpt:

The global nuclear enterprise, the activities and infrastructure that support both weapons and civil energy programs, is facing significant challenges. In the 26 years since Chernobyl, the nuclear power industry has strengthened its safety practices, yet Fukushima demonstrates the fragility of the civil nuclear enterprise. Despite an admirable record and firm commitment to make safety a primary criterion in weapons design, production, handling, and deployment, and to ensure that nuclear material is protected against theft, there is growing apprehension about terrorists acquiring weapons or nuclear material. We outline key principles and recommendations aimed at weak points in the world's nuclear enterprises.

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NGO Declaration on the Future of Nuclear Energy 

NGO Declaration on the Future of Nuclear Energy 

At this critical juncture for action on climate change and energy security, 20 NGOs from around the globe jointly call for the efficient and responsible expansion of nuclear energy and advance six key principles for doing so. 


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