Shahroud Missile Test Site
The Shahroud missile test facility is the location of development, testing, and launches of solid-propellant missiles and space launch vehicles (SLVs) of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).1 In April 2020, the IRGC successfully launched its first military satellite, the Noor 1, from Shahroud,2 and in March 2022, the IRGC successfully launched its second military satellite, the Noor 2, from Shahroud.3
- Max Fisher, “Deep in the Desert, Iran Quietly Advances Missile Technology,” New York Times, 23 May 2018; John Krzyzaniak, “Iran’s Military Space Program Picks up Speed,” Newlines Institute, 27 October 2021,
- “Iran Launches Military Satellite,” Arms Control Today, May 2020.
- Maher Chmaytelli, “Iran puts second military satellite into orbit,” Reuters, 8 March 2022,