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India-Pakistan Agreement on Chemical Weapons
The Agreement provides for the complete prohibition of chemical weapons in India and Pakistan, and requires both countries to make a commitment to not develop, possess or use chemical weapons.
- Signed
Treaty Overview
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- Signed: New Delhi, August 19, 1992
Signed in 1992, the Agreement provided for "the complete prohibition of chemical weapons". It also included a commitment for not developing, possessing or using chemical weapons, as well as not assisting, encouraging or inducing, in any way, anyone to engage in the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling or use of chemical weapons. Furthermore, the agreement committed both governments to become regional signatories of the Chemical Weapons Convention. However, it did not commit India and Pakistan to ratify the CWC.
India signed the CWC on 14 January 1993 and subsequently ratified it on 3 September 1996. Pakistan signed the CWC on 13 January 1993 and ratified the treaty on 28 October 1997.
When India and Pakistan signed the Agreement, both countries declared that they did not possess chemical weapons' stockpiles. However, as part of its accession to the CWC, India declared a quantity of chemical munitions produced by its Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) that caused controversy with Pakistan in terms of India's commitment to and compliance with the bilateral agreement.

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