Andrew Newman PhD
Senior Director for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Activities
Key nuclear waste specialists from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States participated in a two day regional workshop in Gyeongju, the fifth in this continuing series of workshops. This meeting was coordinated by NTI’s Developing Spent Fuel Strategies team in conjunction with the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD).
The intent of the DSFS initiative is to bring together Pacific Rim nations facing end of the nuclear fuel cycle challenges to share relevant information, identify issues of common interest and work toward cooperation on those topics that can provide meaningful benefits to the participants’ waste management programs.
The main objective of the workshop was to operationalize the research agenda by creating several working groups that will work to address specific topics that are beneficial to all participants. These working groups will be tasked with identifying gaps in current research and developing cooperative work streams. The groups will define the purpose, structure and schedule of their work in early 2019 then meet throughout the rest of the year and 2020 to complete their tasks.
Click here for a full meeting summary.