Hollywood Voices Sound Alarm on Nuclear Threat as Oppenheimer Sweeps the Academy Awards
NTI's #MakeNukesHistory campaign breaks through Oscars coverage to remind people that while Oppenheimer is history, nuclear weapons are not.
Calling North Korea’s latest nuclear test an act of provocation that “can only increase regional and international tensions and hamper efforts to reduce nuclear risks,” the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network issued a statement calling on countries in a position to influence the DPRK to do so.
“North Korea can better enhance its national security by engaging constructively with the international community to build relationships with other countries based on mutual respect and support for global norms,” said the statement, issued by APLN co-convenors Chung-in Moon and Ramesh Thakur. “Development of weapons of mass destruction has the opposite effect, deepening the country’s isolation and increasing the dangers to its security, as well as further impoverishing the North Korean people.”
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NTI's #MakeNukesHistory campaign breaks through Oscars coverage to remind people that while Oppenheimer is history, nuclear weapons are not.
NTI Program Officer Patricia Jaworek joined a panel discussion on the devastating humanitarian effects of nuclear weapons and shared her research on the subject.
NTI announces its third annual campaign to mark the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and create a shared moment where people come together to show their support for a world without nuclear weapons.