The Civilian HEU Reduction and Elimination Resource Collection has been comprehensively updated by the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in the wake of the April 2016 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). Although significant progress has been made in recent years, including through the now-concluded NSS process, it remains the case that twenty-six countries possess stocks of highly enriched uranium (HEU).
The global inventory of civil HEU alone is sufficient to build thousands of nuclear bombs. Many civilian facilities that use or store HEU on-site lack adequate security, posing ongoing concerns that terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State could acquire weapons-usable nuclear materials. The resource collection details common civil HEU applications and alternatives, and profiles countries that produce, utilize, or export civil HEU, including through an interactive global map of civil HEU holdings. It also describes in detail domestic and international efforts designed to address civil HEU security, and remaining implementation challenges.