Alexey Arbatov
Head, Center for International Security at the Primakov National Research Institute
Dr. Alexei Arbatov Joins NTI Board of Directors
Dr. Alexei Arbatov, one of Russia’s leading experts in international security and international relations, has joined the Board of Directors of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a global nonprofit organization working to reduce the threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
“Dr. Arbatov is a leading strategic thinker on global security issues, particularly threat reduction, nonproliferation and arms control – all critical parts of NTI’s mission,” said former Senator Sam Nunn, co-chairman of NTI. “We are honored to have him join our Board and help guide our work.”
“Russia is a key partner in addressing global security threats, and we are delighted to have Dr. Arbatov as a member of our Board,” said NTI Co-Chairman and philanthropist Ted Turner. “His reputation as a scholar and policymaker extends far beyond the borders of Russia.”
Dr. Arbatov currently serves as the head of the Center for International Security of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is a Scholar-in-Residence and Co-chair of the Nonproliferation Program of the Carnegie Moscow Center.
Dr. Arbatov has played a leading role in the politics of post-Soviet Russia, as a member of the Russian Parliament (Duma) from 1994 to 2003, and as vice chairman of the liberal YABLOKO Party from 2001 to the present. While in Parliament, he was deputy chairman of the Duma Defense Committee. He was a participant in the START I negotiations in 1990 and was a special adviser to the Russian Minister of Defense from 1997 to 2001. He currently serves on advisory boards for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Security Council.
The author of numerous books and articles on global security, disarmament and Russian military reform, Dr. Arbatov is also the vice-president of the Luxembourg Forum and a member of the Governing Board of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the international advisory board of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, and the board of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International Studies.
Dr. Arbatov joins a Board that includes 18 members from 10 countries. NTI brings together global leaders with different ideological views around a common mission to take immediate action to reduce the risk that nuclear, biological or chemical weapons are ever used again.
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