Sam Nunn
Co-Founder and Co-Chair, NTI
Although cooperation between the United States and the Russian
Federation is at a standstill, the two countries have mutual, converging
interests on some of today’s most consequential issues. In a new report, 55 experts from the two
countries provide policymakers with a menu of more than 50 projects that
advance key objectives for both countries across five thematic areas. The
series of projects on nuclear science, nuclear energy, nuclear safety, nuclear
security, and nuclear environmental remediation were jointly prepared by the
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Moscow-based Center for Energy and
Security Studies (CENESS) and their Dialogue on Potential U.S.-Russia Nuclear
“Today, the danger of nuclear terrorism is real, serious, and growing. These
dangers compel collaboration between the United States and Russia,” write NTI Co-Chairman
and CEO Sam Nunn and former Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Igor
Ivanov in the foreword of the report. “Communication between scientists and
technical experts in the U.S. and Russian nuclear complexes—which dates back to
the 1980s—has been frozen…. The benefits of cooperation can be significant for
the United States and Russia and for the world.”
“Scientific engagement can be the engine for innovation in nuclear cooperation
and can provide a basis for rebuilding trust between these two countries,” add NTI
Vice President for Material Management and Minimization Andrew Bieniawski and
CENESS Director Anton Khlopkov.
The report is available for download in both English and Russian.
About the Nuclear Threat Initiative
The Nuclear Threat Initiative works to protect our lives,
environment, and quality of life now and for future generations. We work to
prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction and disruption
(WMDD)—nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber. Founded in 2001
by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner, NTI is guided by
a prestigious, international board of directors. Sam Nunn serves as chief
executive officer; Des Browne is vice chairman; and Joan Rohlfing serves as
Center for Energy and Security Studies
The Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS) is an independent, non-governmental
think-tank established in 2009. Headquartered in Moscow, the main goal of
CENESS is to promote independent, unbiased, systematic, and professional
analyses related to nuclear nonproliferation and atomic energy with a special
emphasis on international cooperation of Russia in these areas. The founding
director of the Center is Mr. Anton Khlopkov.
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