
New Interactive Maps and Global Incidents and Trafficking Database Reveal 143 Incidents in 19 Countries in 2016

A newly updated edition of the CNS Global
Incidents and Trafficking Database
, prepared by the
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) for NTI, finds 143
incidents involving nuclear and other radioactive materials in 19 countries during
2016. The database and accompanying report focus on incidents involving the
loss of regulatory control over the nuclear and other radioactive materials,
and offers insights into the successes and failures of global nuclear and
radiological security regimes. CNS has prepared this database and trafficking
report with support from NTI for the past four years, during which time
researchers have uncovered nearly 700 incidents worldwide.

Compiled using open-source data, the CNS database
and report is the only one of its kind that is globally comprehensive and
freely available to the public. To better assist educators and students, this
year’s report for the first time is published with interactive maps that show
where the incidents took place.

The updated report finds that in 2016 there were
only a few recorded incidents involving the most
dangerous radioactive materials, but even lower risk radioactive and
nuclear materials pose a significant threat. The radioactive materials in
nearly half of the incidents reported in the 2016 database would be suitable
for use in a radiological dispersal device, such as a dirty bomb. This year’s
research also revealed that over half of the thefts reported occurred during
transportation of materials, and human failure played a role in over 60% of the
reported incidents of loss or theft.

In addition to recommending improvements to
physical security measures and safety culture, the report also encourages wider
transparency across all countries and recommends the development of a common
standard for incident reporting.   

For the full findings and
 to get the report, download
the database, and view the interactive maps.

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