The Nuclear Threat Initiative has joined the JEE
Alliance, a network of countries and organizations that collaborate to advance
global health security and the Joint External Evaluation (JEE).
“We are pleased to join the JEE Alliance. Whether
naturally occurring or manmade, biological threats pose a grave risk to our
increasingly interconnected world, and urgent efforts are needed to strengthen health
security and improve biological security and safety globally. At NTI, we use
our voice to raise awareness, advocate solutions, and foster new thinking about
potentially catastrophic risks. NTI has helped create both regional and global
organizations focused on disease surveillance—a critical step for rapid
detection and response,” said Deborah Rosenblum, Executive Vice President, NTI.
“The JEE Alliance is a unique public-private
partnership dedicated to measuring concrete progress toward a safer and more
secure world. NTI is delighted to add
its voice to this critical effort, which is vital to advancing global health
security and preventing catastrophic biological incidents—whether naturally
occurring, deliberate or accidental,” added Beth Cameron, Senior Director for
Global Biological Policy and Programs, NTI.
About the JEE Alliance
JEE Alliance is a platform for facilitating
multisectoral collaboration on health security capacity building and
International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) implementation. The main purpose of
the Alliance is to serve as a platform for discussion and exchange of views and
experiences among partners to facilitate engagement between countries and other
relevant organizations and stakeholders involved in building health security
across different sectors implementing the One Health approach.
the Nuclear Threat Initiative
The Nuclear Threat Initiative works to protect our
lives, environment, and quality of life now and for future generations. We work
to prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction and disruption
(WMDD)—nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber. Founded in 2001
by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner, NTI is guided by
a prestigious, international board of directors. Sam Nunn serves as chief
executive officer; Des Browne is vice chairman; and Joan Rohlfing serves as
president. Former Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz will become CEO and
join Nunn and Turner as co-chairmen on June 1. More about NTI’s
biosecurity program can be found here.