
Statement from the Nuclear Threat Initiative

The Nuclear Threat Initiative joins the nuclear arms control and disarmament community in expressing deep sadness at the passing of David Culp. A tireless and effective advocate, David was generous with his time and insights into the workings of Capitol Hill. David helped guide key legislative wins over the course of his career, not the least of which was the Senate ratification of the New START treaty. NTI will miss his professionalism, leadership and persistence.  We offer sincere condolences to his family and to his colleagues at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. David helped build a safer world for us all.

To read more about David, visit the FCNL site.  

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#CranesForOurFuture Takes Flight August 4-9


#CranesForOurFuture Takes Flight August 4-9

NTI announces its third annual campaign to mark the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and create a shared moment where people come together to show their support for a world without nuclear weapons.

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