Here we highlight the work of NTI and share knowledge, ideas, and viewpoints addressing the crosscutting challenges our world faces—addressing risks while supporting innovation—to make our world safer.
The Private Sector’s Role in Advancing Global Health Security
Through evidence-based investments in capacity building and the establishment of biosecurity best practices for life science research, the private sector can play a critical role in strengthening biosecurity and advancing pandemic preparedness.
The NTI Essentials: 10 things you should read (or watch) on reducing nuclear risks
If you want to learn more about Oppenheimer’s bomb and what we must do to protect the world today and for future generations, NTI’s online library is the perfect place to go.
Blundering into a nuclear war in Ukraine: a hypothetical scenario
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a prime example of a regional conflict that could inadvertently escalate beyond any of the protagonists’ expectations. History is replete with similar instances of humanity stumbling into devastating conflict.
NTI Seminar: Chris Painter on Avoiding Nuclear Escalation from Cyberattacks
What happens “if we can’t rely on the information we have,” asks Christopher Painter, former top U.S. cyber diplomat. In an NTI seminar on January 25, Painter posed this critical question and discussed a range of issues at the intersection of cyber and nuclear security.