NTI Statement in Support of the UN Resolution on Nuclear War Effects and Scientific Research
NTI urges UN member states to support the proposed resolution on Nuclear War Effects and Scientific Research.
NTI urges UN member states to support the proposed resolution on Nuclear War Effects and Scientific Research.
Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, DrPH, a professor of epidemiology and director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health, is one of 100 new members to join the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) as part of its 2024 class.
The international community remains unprepared for the potential misuse of modern bioscience and biotechnology tools to develop biological weapons. NTI | bio convened more than 30 experts for a workshop on enhancing transparency for bioscience research and development and bolstering confidence in compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention.
With great determination and grace, the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have dedicated their lives to ensuring that they remain the only people on the earth to ever experience the horrors of nuclear weapons used in war.
NTI | bio and the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (CACNP) hosted a September 17 Congressional staff briefing on the topic of “Preventing Biological Catastrophe and Protecting the U.S. Bioeconomy.”
Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine has "elevated the risk of nuclear war to levels not seen since the darkest days of the Cold War," NTI Co-Chair and CEO Ernest J. Moniz writes.
A major new gift from Joe Gebbia and Isabelle Boemeke will establish he Nuclear Scaling Initiative — a collaborative effort to catalyze and build a new nuclear energy ecosystem to scale to 50 or more gigawatts of clean, safe, and secure nuclear power per year by the 2030s, a tenfold increase of the current deployment rate.
Nevada business leaders, environmental and community groups, and elected officials are joining forces to voice their strong opposition to growing calls to resume explosive nuclear testing in Nevada.
Dozens of students and early-career professionals from 19 countries across five continents entered the 2024 competition, which sought innovative and creative papers focused on how investments in biosecurity can contribute to a more equitable society while also reducing biological risks.
The fourth annual #CranesForOurFuture Campaign takes flight with entertainers, prominent organizations, and public figures sharing paper cranes on social media.