Nuclear Disarmament Ukraine
Information and analysis of nuclear weapons disarmament proposals and progress in Ukraine
Information and analysis of nuclear weapons disarmament proposals and progress in Ukraine
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Deputy Vice President for NTI’s Nuclear Materials Security Program Eric Brewer writes that “although Russia’s war [in Ukraine] has created nuclear risks, the risk that it will unleash a wave of nuclear proliferation is lower than many believe.”
“The risk of an accident, miscalculation, or disastrous decision is especially ominous when the two countries with the largest nuclear weapon arsenals are on opposite sides.”
Full overview of Ukraine's nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile capabilities and nonproliferation activities.
Ernest Moniz, chief executive officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative and a former U.S. energy secretary, talks about the summit of President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Moniz also discusses the tensions between Indian and Pakistan with Shery Ahn and Haidi Stroud-Watts.
NTI Board Member Igor Ivanov calls for dialogue between Moscow and Washington and explains why the U.S. and Russia can't afford to wait until after the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Overview of Ukraine's missile capabilities and nonproliferation activities
Overview of Ukraine's nuclear capabilities and nonproliferation activities