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Lessons Learned from 10 Years of the Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities
Since 2012, the Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities has held 16 full meetings, in-person and virtually, and today the Global Dialogue continues to be a unique forum that convenes senior government officials, representatives from international organizations, leading non-government experts, and nuclear industry professionals from around the world for open, discreet, and frank conversations focused on strengthening the international nuclear security architecture. This report lays out the powerful set of lessons that have emerged from ten years of Global Dialogue meetings that can guide governments, civil society, and international organizations in ongoing efforts to strengthen nuclear security.
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Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities: Building an Effective Global Nuclear Security System
The Nuclear Threat Initiative has convened government officials, experts, representatives from international organizations, and industry leaders since 2012 to define what a truly comprehensive and effective global nuclear security system would look like and has developed related recommendations. This paper is the culmination of this work and lays out a vision for strengthening the global nuclear security system and the steps needed to achieve it, including after the summit process ends.
Discussion Paper: Strengthening the Security of Plutonium
In advance of the 2016 NSS, this paper explores a range of options to secure and minimize plutonium stocks around the world.
Non-Paper: Building International Confidence in the Security of Military Materials
This paper defines what is meant by “military materials” and why it is important to include these materials in a global nuclear security system.