Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities

Strengthening the global nuclear security system


There is no global system for securing highly enriched uranium and plutonium—the world’s most dangerous materials.


Convene a high-level international dialogue to advance priorities around the Nuclear Security Summit process and strengthen the global nuclear security system.


Development of key elements for a sustainable, comprehensive approach to nuclear materials security, which were adopted at the Nuclear Security Summits.

Dangerous nuclear materials–highly enriched uranium and plutonium–are stored in hundreds of sites with varying levels of security across 22 countries. If these materials fell into the hands of terrorists or non-state actors, the consequences would be catastrophic. Yet storage facilities are not subject to international standards or “rules of the road” and there is currently no way to hold states accountable for insufficient security measures. Many states see nuclear security as a purely sovereign responsibility, even though poor security in one state could result in a nuclear attack on the other side of the world. The current patchwork of initiatives, voluntary mechanisms, and institutions is inadequate to defend against the threat of nuclear terrorism. There is a critical need for a comprehensive global system for securing dangerous weapons-usable nuclear materials.

With generous support from the Government of Canada and the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, NTI’s Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities convenes senior government officials from countries around the world, representatives from international organizations like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), leading non-government experts, and nuclear industry professionals to strengthen the international nuclear security architecture and explore critical questions: What are the most important steps for effective nuclear security? Where are the gaps? What should be prioritized?

Initially developed in 2012 to support preparations for the Nuclear Security Summits, the Global Dialogue has continued meeting after the summit process concluded in 2016 to support the work of the Nuclear Security Contact Group, develop news ideas to address ongoing challenges, and strengthen the global nuclear security system as threats evolve.

Global Dialogue meetings are held on a not-for-attribution basis.




NTI at the Second-Ever Joint Meeting of INMM and ESARDA


NTI at the Second-Ever Joint Meeting of INMM and ESARDA

NTI Senior Director Nickolas Roth participated in the second-ever joint meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA).



Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities Convenes Regional Workshops for Latin America and Africa; Plans Future Workshops to Include Middle East/Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific


Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities Convenes Regional Workshops for Latin America and Africa; Plans Future Workshops to Include Middle East/Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific

Regional workshops hosted by NTI to discuss national preparations for next year’s first-ever review of the amended CPPNM/A and additional topics of importance in those regions.





North Korea Tests ICBM: Resources for Journalists


North Korea Tests ICBM: Resources for Journalists

NTI in partnership with CNS offers critical resources to better understand the capacity, background, and history of the North Korean nuclear program.


Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities: Building an Effective Global Nuclear Security System


Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities: Building an Effective Global Nuclear Security System

The Nuclear Threat Initiative has convened government officials, experts, representatives from international organizations, and industry leaders since 2012 to define what a truly comprehensive and effective global nuclear security system would look like and has developed related recommendations. This paper is the culmination of this work and lays out a vision for strengthening the global nuclear security system and the steps needed to achieve it, including after the summit process ends.


Nunn, Lugar, Browne to Release New Report


Nunn, Lugar, Browne to Release New Report

83% of the world’s weapons-usable nuclear materials—PU and HEU is categorized as "military" which falls outside the scope of international nuclear security guidelines.

The Case for Highly Enriched Uranium-Free Zones


The Case for Highly Enriched Uranium-Free Zones

A call for the creation of regional HEU-Free Zones, whereby countries may not possess or allow for the transfer of HEU within their territory. (CNS)

Roadmap to Minimize and Eliminate HEU


Roadmap to Minimize and Eliminate HEU

A new paper published by NTI, the Center for Nonproliferation Studies and the Fissile Materials Working Group offers timely recommendations for action that countries can pursue ahead of the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit.


Des Browne Highlights Success of Vienna Humanitarian Impact Conference


Des Browne Highlights Success of Vienna Humanitarian Impact Conference

In a speech following the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, NTI Vice Chairman Des Browne calls on all states to join the important discussion on how to reduce and eliminate risks.

Nuclear Security Primer: The Existing System


Nuclear Security Primer: The Existing System

This primer provides an overview of the key agreements, guidelines, multilateral engagement mechanisms, and implementation services that make up today’s nuclear security system.


Singapore Meeting Postponed


Singapore Meeting Postponed

Due to hazardous weather conditions in Singapore, NTI and NSP leaders decided today to postpone the June 25-26 meeting of regional leadership networks.

3rd Global Dialogue Rapporteur’s Report


3rd Global Dialogue Rapporteur’s Report

This rapporteur's report reflects the discussion of government officials, experts, nuclear security practitioners, and other stakeholders at the third meeting of the Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities in May 2013.

New Op-Ed from Shultz, Perry, Kissinger & Nunn


New Op-Ed from Shultz, Perry, Kissinger & Nunn

Shultz, Perry, Kissinger and Nunn called for urgent attention on the nuclear threat and outlined key areas for President Obama and world leaders to address.

Security Experts Pay Tribute to Nunn & Lugar


Security Experts Pay Tribute to Nunn & Lugar

Speakers at the Munich Security Conference paid tribute to former Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar on Saturday, February 2 at the Munich Security Conference.


2nd Global Dialogue Rapporteur’s Report


2nd Global Dialogue Rapporteur’s Report

This rapporteur's report reflects the discussion of 31 government officials, experts, nuclear security practitioners, and other stakeholders at the second meeting of the Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities in October 2012.

1st Global Dialogue Rapporteur’s Report


1st Global Dialogue Rapporteur’s Report

This rapporteur's report reflects the discussion of 35 government officials, experts, and representatives from nuclear industry and international organizations at the first Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities meeting in July 2012.

Hinderstein Appears on The Diane Rehm Show


Hinderstein Appears on The Diane Rehm Show

NTI Vice President Corey Hinderstein joined Stephen Rademaker, Joe Cirincione, and Yochi Dreazen on the Diane Rehm Show to discuss the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul.

NTI Resources for the Nuclear Security Summit


NTI Resources for the Nuclear Security Summit

NTI staff and partners offer an array of resources including reports, briefs, and testimony on nuclear materials security prior to the Seoul summit.

New Book Chronicles Shultz-Perry-Kissinger-Nunn Initiative


New Book Chronicles Shultz-Perry-Kissinger-Nunn Initiative

Offering a clear analysis of the danger of nuclear terrorism and how it can be prevented, the book sheds light on the most divisive security issues facing Washington to-date.



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