Isabelle Williams
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
With NATO members in the midst of a Deterrence and Defense Posture Review—a critical strategic assessment that will help define NATO's future security strategy—a new NTI report proposes a blueprint within NATO and with Russia for moving to a new nuclear posture in Europe.
Reducing Nuclear Risks in Europe: A Framework for Action features an essay by former U.S. Senator and NTI Co-Chairman Sam Nunn who writes, "The rationale for maintaining thousands of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe for another decade is out of date and dangerous for NATO and for Russia. Getting from where we are today – a dangerous and costly status quo – to where we want to be – the elimination of these weapons – will require a framework for dialogue between NATO and Russia and a clear goal."
Senator Nunn's essay, The Race Between Cooperation and Catastrophe available below, outlines 10 specific steps for NATO to consider as the Allies plan for the Summit in Chicago in May 2012. At the core of "10 for 2012" is a NATO commitment to deepening consultations with Russia, including a new dialogue designed to increase "warning and decision time" for leaders. In addition, NATO should plan for further reductions and consolidation of U.S. tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. The target of completing consolidation to the United States should be within five years, with the final timing and pace determined by broad developments with Russia.
The report includes chapters authored by leading international military, academic and policy experts who have advised senior government officials in the United States, Russia and Europe. The authors present recommendations relating to key NATO nuclear policy issues, including: declaratory policy; the security of tactical nuclear weapons; nuclear sharing arrangements; reassurance; conventional arms and missile defense; cooperation with Russia; and Asia's nuclear future.
See Table of Contents under the title for individual chapers.
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