Statement by the EASLG: Shrinking the Zone of Confrontation and Competition: Principles for Euro-Atlantic Security and the Global Nuclear Order

Statement by the EASLG: Shrinking the Zone of Confrontation and Competition: Principles for Euro-Atlantic Security and the Global Nuclear Order

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Ambassador (Botschafter a.D.) Wolfgang Ischinger

President, Munich Security Conference Foundation Council

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In a statement titled “Shrinking the Zone of Confrontation and Competition: Principles for Euro-Atlantic Security and the Global Nuclear Order,” Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG) co-conveners Des Browne, Wolfgang Ischinger, Ernest J. Moniz, and Sam Nunn and 50 dignitaries from 14 countries call for the re-establishment of basic principles relating to security and nuclear order. The group puts forth seven such principles that could provide a foundation for officials and experts to re-engage and eventually make progress towards shrinking the zone of confrontation and competition, reducing nuclear risks, and building mutual security.

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Statement by the EASLG: Advancing Global Nuclear “Fail-Safe”

Statement by the EASLG: Advancing Global Nuclear “Fail-Safe”

EASLG leaders Des Browne, Wolfgang Ischinger, Igor Ivanov, Ernest J. Moniz, and Sam Nunn, along with 34 dignitaries from 12 countries, call for all nuclear-weapons states to conduct internal reviews of their nuclear command-and-control and weapons systems.

U.S. Nuclear Policies for a Safer World

Special Report

U.S. Nuclear Policies for a Safer World

NTI Co-Chairs Ernest J. Moniz and Sam Nunn call on the United States to resume a position of global leadership to reduce the risks posed by nuclear weapons.


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