Country Spotlight
Egypt has a history of pursuing weapons of mass destruction, and used chemical weapons during its intervention in the North Yemen Civil War of the 1960s. However, Egypt today is a strong supporter of nonproliferation efforts, including a proposal to create a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East.
See Egypt's performance in:
Region Middle East and North Africa
1960s Deployed chemical weapons
1981 Ratified the NPT
2 Nuclear research reactors
4 Nuclear power plants under construction
- Harbored nuclear ambitions in the 1960s but halted efforts in 1973
- Proponent of WMD Free Zone in Middle East
- Began construction on the fourth and last Russian-supplied nuclear reactors in July 2024
Overview of the Nuclear Disarmament Resource Collection
- Strongly denies accusations of research into anthrax, plague, and botulinum toxin for military purposes
- Limited open-source information indicating an offensive biological weapons program
- Refuses to ratify BTWC, pointing to Israel’s non-membership status
Egypt Biological Overview
Tutorial on Biological Weapons Nonproliferation
- Possesses ballistic, cruise, and air defense missiles
- Pursued indigenous programs from 1948-1970
- Received missiles and assistance from North Korea, Iraq, Argentina, Russia, and the U.S.
Egypt Missile Facilities
The Global Missile Defense Race: Strong Test Records and Poor Operational Performance
- Deployed chemical weapons in the North Yemen Civil War from 1963-1967
- Maintains defensive chemical weapon capabilities
- Refuses to join the CWC in protest of Israel’s nuclear weapons
Egypt Chemical Overview
Tutorial on Chemical Weapons Nonproliferation
Treaties and Regimes Memberships
Middle East Missile Mania: It’s Not Just Iran
One might be forgiven for solely focusing on Iran’s missiles. And yet, Iran’s missile program does not exist in a vacuum.
The Importance of Bilateral U.S.-Russian Nuclear Cooperation During Times of Political Turbulence
Egypt Biological Overview
Education Center