Statement by the EASLG: Three Essential Steps for Reversing the Slide to Nuclear War
Reducing and eliminating any nuclear risk that could lead to catastrophe is a common interest for all and an enduring responsibility for all nuclear-armed states.
Country Spotlight
Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq pursued every major category of WMD, but dismantled its programs under UN supervision following defeat in the 1991 Gulf War. Nonetheless, unfounded U.S. and Western suspicions that it was reconstituting its WMD programs led to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and regime change. Today, it does not have WMD programs or ballistic missiles.
Region Middle East and North Africa
16 Known military uses of chemical weapons during Iran-Iraq War
690+ Metric tons of chemical weapons agents destroyed by the UN
12,500 Liters of undeclared biological agents reportedly destroyed
80+ Scud missile attacks against Saudi Arabia and Israel during 1991 Gulf War
Reducing and eliminating any nuclear risk that could lead to catastrophe is a common interest for all and an enduring responsibility for all nuclear-armed states.
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