Country Spotlight
In 2003, then Libyan dictator Col. Muammar Qadhafi renounced all of his regime’s WMD programs. WMD stockpiles were verifiably dismantled, and Libya began to explore peaceful nuclear energy. However, ongoing civil war and turmoil since the Arab Spring in 2011 has stalled these efforts and has led to regional stability and proliferation concerns.
See Libya’s performance in:
Region Middle East and North Africa
6400 Barrels of yellowcake uranium reportedly stored at Sabha
24.7 Metric tons of sulfur mustard gas declared to OPCW in 2004
55,000 Pounds of WMD-related equipment airlifted to US in 2004
- Purchased uranium enrichment technology and nuclear weapon design plans from the A.Q. Khan network
- Dismantlement of nuclear program completed and verified in 2004
- Plans to pursue nuclear energy have been stalled by conflict and civil war
- 2.5 tons of yellowcake went missing and were recovered in southern Libya in March 2023
Libya Nuclear Overview
- Attempted to procure foreign assistance for a biological weapons program in the 1990s
- Despite attempts, reportedly failed to ever develop a biological weapons capability
- Currently possesses no biological weapons capabilities
Libya Biological Overview
Tutorial on Biological Weapons Nonproliferation
- Received technical assistance from Iran, North Korea, China, India, and Russia
- Renounced its MTCR-class missiles in 2004
- Despite a UN arms embargo, countries such as the UAE are suspected of selling missiles to Libya
Libya Missile Overview
Tutorial on Missiles and Other WMD Delivery Systems
- Possessed a moderate chemical weapons arsenal until 2004
- Deployed chemical weapons in a conflict against Chad in 1987
- Declared in 2014 that the destruction of its chemical weapons stockpiles was complete
Libya Chemical Facilities
Disarming Syria of Its Chemical Weapons: Lessons Learned from Iraq and Libya
Treaties and Regimes Memberships
Was Libyan WMD Disarmament a Significant Success for Nonproliferation?
Libya's decision to renounce its WMD programs, a resounding success for the nonproliferation regime. (CNS)
Education Center