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Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM)

  • Location
  • Type
    Nuclear-Education and Training
  • Facility Status

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Established by the AEOI in 1989, the institute is a training facility for Iranian nuclear scientists. 1 The IPM conducts research in theoretical and applied particle and high energy physics. 2 It also performs research in mathematics, computer sciences, and intelligent systems. The IPM offers PhD degrees in physics, mathematics and nanoscience. 3


  1. Andrew Koch and Jeanette Wolf, “Iran’s Nuclear Facilities: A Profile,” Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 1998, www.nonproliferation.org.
  2. “Schools at IPM,” Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, www.ipm.ac.ir.
  3. “Schools at IPM,” Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, www.ipm.ac.ir.


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